Effect of Resistin in Diabetes and Coronary Heart Disease and Its Possible Molecule Mechanisms; On the Underlying Reasons for the Press Resisting Temporary Press Law of Republic of China 抵抗素在糖尿病和冠心病中的作用及其可能的分子机制民初报界抵制报律的深层原因分析&以《暂行报律》事件为中心
Labor contract is signed without add after labor contract expires and form factual labor to concern to cause laborer losing thereby, press "labor law" regulation, the enterprise ought to offer laborer economy compensation. 劳动合同到期后没有续签劳动合同而形成事实劳动关系从而造成劳动者损失的,按《劳动法》的规定,企业应当给予劳动者经济赔偿。
On the Underlying Reasons for the Press Resisting Temporary Press Law of Republic of China 民初报界抵制报律的深层原因分析&以《暂行报律》事件为中心
These changes appear to reflect the developing track of the construction of the press ruled by law in China. 法律文化的变迁折射出我国新闻法治建设的发展轨迹。
The general sources of the press law mean the general forms of the effect of it. 新闻法的一般渊源是指新闻法效力的一般形式。
Sweden 's1766 press law, often considered the first freedom of information act, is part of its constitution, and some older constitutions have been amended to include a right to know. 瑞典1766年的新闻法通常被认为是最早的信息自由法是瑞典宪法的组成部分。一些较早制定的宪法经修正把知情权包含在内。
Research in the press law derived from news tort that is just the idea related to the press law and all the same that is connected with traditional legal relations of the civil. 关于新闻法的研究是源于新闻侵权,但是新闻侵权只是涉及新闻法的表象,仍然是传统的民事法律关系,新闻法要成为独立的部门法,应当具有独立的法律关系。
The press norms of pre-law-governing society were made up of political norms, economic norms cultural norms and legal norms concerned. They were parts of the normative facts of press autonomy and press governed by law. 前法治社会里的新闻规范是政治规范、经济规范、文化规范、法律规范等构成的总和,它是新闻自治和新闻法治的规范事实。
Therefore, our country needs to work out a "Law of Supervision by Public Opinion" or "Press Law" urgently, carrying on the definition of the behavior of supervision by news and public opinion. 因而,我国迫切需要制定《舆论监督法》或《新闻法》,对新闻舆论监督行为进行规制。
On the Construction of the Press Law 出版法构建探论
In a situation where a press law is absent, journalistic self-discipline is the core of the construction of journalistic ethics in both countries. 在新闻法缺席的情况下,新闻自律是中美新闻道德建设的核心。
Secondly, the writer discusses the main content of thoughts of press law. 第二部分:论述清末民初资产阶级报律思想的内容。
Though, the national education department has already classified the press law as a required course with journalism speciality in university, the journalism speciality in many universities is not enough to pay attention to the offering of the press law course. 虽然,国家教育部门已将新闻法列为大学新闻学专业的必修课,但是,许多高校新闻学专业还没有足够重视新闻法课程的开设。
Second, the adoption of press law will provide a legal framework for the press activities and therefore, further promote the coordination and consolidation as between the concepts of press supervision and judicial fairness. 其次,可以通过新闻法的制定与实施为传媒的活动范围提供法律上的依据,使舆论监督与司法公正的价值理念得到协调和统一。
Thereby, many scholars appealed the enactment of Press Law or Public Opinion Supervision Law. 因此不少专家学者呼吁《新闻法》或《舆论监督法》的出台。
Press Law: Required Course with Journalism Speciality in University 新闻法:高校新闻学专业的必修课
The legal relations of the press, which give expression to the nature and features of the press law, have their own characteristics in the types, the subjects, the contents and the legal relief forms of the conflicts of the rights. 文章试从新闻法律关系的概念、类型、主体、内容和权利冲突救济诸方面阐释新闻法律关系的基本问题,尝试构建系统的新闻法律关系基本理论。
As a rational summery to the historical journalistic legislation in China, the article, for the first time, probes into the drafts of the press law in the past, discussing their aspiring sides and shortcomings and, their use for further reference. 作为对我国曾经进行的新闻立法实践的理性总结,文章首次从分析新闻法草案着手,探讨了其间的长短得失和对现在及以后的立法活动的启示;
Vacuum press law in advance consolidate some problem in soft land base construction general state 真空预压法加固软土地基施工有关问题的讨论
Currently, a good many problems exist in news communication, which result from lack of corresponding law. So it is necessary to make the press law. 当前新闻媒体和记者在新闻传播中面对诸多问题,这些问题的产生是由于缺乏相应的法律规定,因此迫切需要制定专门的新闻法。
These difficult to involve tariff trade protection, freedom of the press and tree theft law, and national issues are closely related. 这些难事涉及了关税贸易保护、出版自由和林木盗窃法等,与国家问题有密切的关系。
Nanjing national government rule early attached great importance to the press and publication law. 南京国民政府自统治初期即十分重视新闻出版的法制化。
As a new thing," the press law "promulgated in line with the law of things development, its coming on stage is the demand of the development of journalism, is to represent the general trend. 作为一个新事物,《新闻法》的出台符合事物的发展规律,它的出台是新闻事业自身发展的要求,是大势所趋。
Although we have not published a Press law, the scholars 'research on the new legislation did not stop. 中国现在虽然并没有出台专门的《新闻法》,但多年来学者们对新闻立法的研究的脚步并未停止。
In recent years, image tampering cases emerge constantly in the press, law, science and other fields. It has seriously affected the normal order of all walks of life and caused the public to question the authenticity of the internet information. 近年来,图像篡改案例在新闻界、法律界、科学界等领域不断出现,严重影响了各行各业的正常秩序,引发了大众对互联网信息真实性的质疑。
And then analyzed from various aspects of China at this stage should not praise the reasons for the development of the press law. 然后从多方面分析了中国现阶段应暂不制定新闻法的原因。
With the passage of time, the conflict between the reality need and the vacancy of the special law of the press law to be more obvious. 随着时间的推移,专门《新闻法》的空缺与现实需要之间的冲突将会更加明显,重视和加强我国的新闻立法已成为当务之急,刻不容缓。
Second, the development or amendment as soon as possible, "Press Law" or "press law"," information "and" Secrets Act "and other laws. 第二,尽快制定或修订《新闻法》或《记者法》、《信息法》和《保密法》等各种法律。
Although there appeared three press law drafts, they did not form a real Press Law. 尽管那个时期出现了三个新闻法的草案,但最终并没有形成一部《新闻法》。